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Seminarios de Arqueoloxía da Alta Idade Media

José Carlos Sánchez Pardo

La Dra. Sophie Hueglin, impartirá un seminario sobre la re-introducción de las construcciones en piedra en la Alta Edad Media en Europa, el jueves 2 de febrero, a las 11 horas, en la Sala de Profesores de la Facultade de Xeografía e Historia de la USC.

La idea es poder luego intercambiar ideas de trabajo con esta investigadora postdoctoral Marie Curie de la Universidad de Newcastle, aunque su conferencia está abierta a todo el mundo.

A continuación os dejamos un resumen de la que será su intervención:

Petrification Pioneers: work migration and technology transformation in early medieval stone building between Italy and the North of England.

The re-establishing of stone architecture between AD 500 and 1000 in Europe is accompanied by a Rome-centred “petrifying” conception of Christianity and the restructuring of territorial and social powers. Written sources tell us about building specialists from Francia and south of the Alps travelling along with returning pilgrims. For these travelling craftsmen, work conditions and resource situations in the new sites differ very much from their places of departure. Probably influenced by lack of personnel and language barriers, this pioneer situation not only leads to know-how and technology transfer, but also to an adjustment of building practice and a development of new technologies, which are not used at that time in the regions of origin of the specialists.

To illustrate this phenomenon the archaeological remains of early medieval mechanical mortar mixers are very well suited. The overall distribution pattern as well as the individual context of each feature yields indirect information on builders and patrons as well as on materials and methods. Some sources and certain small finds associated with the travelling craftsmen help to clarify the picture of this petrification process in architecture. Partly, technologies developed elsewhere seem to have been introduced into the spectrum of methods used in the regions of origin of the specialists making it less a process of technology transfer than one of transformation and reciprocal acculturation.

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