The role of astronomy in any aspect of culture and may address any time period or region.
We invite proposals for papers for the “Road to the Stars” to be held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (18th - 22nd September 2017).
We are interested in current research and we welcome presentation of artists who are willing to exhibit their artwork at the conference. A special area at the renaissance cloister of the Fonseca College will be devoted for such exhibition. All proposals, both for oral presentations, posters and artwork will be reviewed by the SOC and SAC.
Authors are asked to submit an extended abstract (a maximum of up to 500 words and a single B/W figure) including the background, aim, data and results with at least 3 references. For artwork proposals we would like to have a description of the artwork, relevance to the conference theme and aims.
The abstract should be submitted as a pdf to the address: jba@iac.es
with CC copy to the congress e-‐mail: congreso.seac2017@gmail.com
The deadline for proposals is 28th February 2017.
All accepted abstracts will be published on the abstract book with an ISBN number, both oral and poster.
We expect to have the program ready by May 1st 2017
Proceedings will be published on Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
MORE INFO: http://www.roadtothestars.org/