SINCRISIS. Investigación en Formas Culturais, es un grupo de investigación de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela dedicado a la generación de conocimiento histórico, histórico-artístico o filológico y a la implementación de ideas, técnicas o modelos de investigación sobre el patrimonio histórico y cultural.
Pedro López Barja de Quiroga
Profesor Titular de Universidad de la USC
Tel. 881 812 559
"Acreditado, Catedrático de Universidad" (ANECA).
Ph.D. Complutense University. He was visiting scholar in Oxford (Wolfson College) in 2002-2003 and affiliate academic at the University College London (2016), in both cases with a “Madariaga” grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education.
His main research interests are, firstly, manumission, Junian Latins and the social mobility of Roman freedmen; secondly, ancient political thought, especially Aristotle and Cicero; thirdly, Roman juridical epigraphy. He has written two books on the first subject (Historia de la manumisión en Roma. De los orígenes a los Severos, Anejos de Gerión XI, Madrid, 2007; Las relaciones de dependencia en las Instituciones de Gayo, Presses Universitaires du Franche-Comté, 2007), one book on the second subject Imperio legítimo. El pensamiento político romano en tiempos de Cicerón, Madrid, 2007) but none yet on the third. This loophole is not likely to be filled shortly for he is now writing a book on the Roman Civil War of 49-42 B.C. The common feature of all three is an effort to put juridical sources to use when dealing with historical problems. Too often they have been discarded as irrelevant or entirely detached from the social reality of its time. Lately he has opened a fourth line of research on the comparative study of Empires and particularly the neoconservative (Leo Strauss) interpretation of Ancient History.
He has published extensively on these topics in peer-reviewed journals such as Athenaeum, Historia. Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte; Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne; Latomus; Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik; Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschicht; International Journal of the Classical Tradition. He has contributed a chapter to the Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Slaveries (forthcoming).
He has also written two textbooks: Epigrafía latina (Santiago de Compostela, 1993) and Historia de Roma (Madrid, 2004).
He has taught doctoral courses at several universities (Complutense, Autónoma de Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Valencia, etc.). Under his supervision, three doctoral dissertation have been completed.
He has coordinated the master on “Archeology and Sciences of Antiquity” since its inception in 2010 (URL http://www.usc.es/posgrao/muarqueo/Presentacion.html).
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